Buyer Fees

  • Buy Fee (Required): Based on the overall price of the vehicle. The higher the price, the higher the fee.

  • Late Fee: Depends on policy guidelines. If you purchase a vehicle in-lane and don’t pay the total cost by 5:00 PM on auction day, you will be charged $150.00. If negotiated, the buyer has until 12:00 PM on Friday. (Payment arrangements can be made at the front counter)

  • Diagnosis Fee (Optional): This fee is applied when you purchase our Diagnosis service, which scans your vehicle for any problems with the engine, transmission, oil tank, and other parts. (This is like a doctor’s check-up for your vehicle)


  • Mechanical Work Fee (Optional): This service will help get your vehicle ready to drive off the lot. This costs $75 per hour for gas vehicles and $125 per hour for diesel vehicles.


  • Flooring Fee: This only occurs when a Flooring company is used to purchase vehicles. If you qualify, it will cost $30.00 per vehicle. (There is no Flooring fee if you pay with cash, check, or wire transfer.)


  • Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee: If you pay with a check and there isn’t enough money in your checking account, you will be charged a fee of $150.00

    This fee must be paid as soon as possible because having an NSF Fee on file will prevent you from attending or buying at an auction until it’s removed.

Post Sale Inspection Fee

This optional inspection covers mechanical, structural, and cosmetic issues. However, the fee depends on the light color of the vehicle.

If you purchase a PSI, you will have 7 days to arbitrate any issues with the vehicle for a valid arbitration over $800. (Click on Arbitration chart to see full size.)

Seller Fees 

  • Sale Fee: This is based on the vehicle amount. As the purchase price increases, the sale fee will increase between $10.00 to $25.00, per thousand dollar sale price. (See our chart on the right.)

  • Rerun and Storage Fees: Once the vehicle has run 3 times at the auction, you will be charged a rerun fee of $75.00 for every week after. If the vehicle is not picked up by the 4th week, you will be charged a Storage fee of $5.00 per day.

  • Pre-Certification Fee: This only applies when you purchase a Pre-Certification Inspection, which costs $115.00 per vehicle. This will determine a vehicle’s mechanical condition by inspecting the engine, transmission, structural integrity, and more.

  •  Mechanical Work Fee (Optional): We offer mechanical services for $75 per hour for gas vehicles and $125 per hour for diesel vehicles.

  •  Condition Report Fee: The condition report is $25.00 and provides a visual and cosmetic inspection of the vehicle, AutoGrade, and SpinCar 360 walkaround photos of the interior and exterior. This helps online buyers view photos and the vehicle information and condition before auction day.

Below you’ll find articles of pricing breakdowns for our recon, inspections and transportation services.

How do I finalize Transactions at Big Valley Auto Auction?

These are the forms of payment available when making a transaction.

  • Cash 

  • Cashier’s Check

  • Business Check

  • A line of credit offered by a Flooring company.

*Personal checks are not accepted*

Learn more about what you need to receive payouts and exit your vehicle purchases.

Flooring companies we work with include:

  • NextGear

  • Westlake Financial

  • FloorPlan Xpress

  • CarBucks

  • AFC

  • FlexPlus

  • Auto Use

  • Auction Credit

  • Kinetic Advantage

  • Car Financial

Check out our “Our Partners” page to see the Consignors, Remarketing, and Auction Industry partners we work with.

Now that you have an idea of our fees, are you FEEling confident to register at Big Valley Auto Auction? Check out BVAA’s Registration Guide to get started.